Don`T Go In The Woods Full Movie


Dark Secrets Of The Duck Dynasty Stars. Duck Dynasty is a reality show about the Robertsons, a Louisiana family that made a fortune through their Duck Commander duck calls and branded hunting equipment. The show was a success beyond anything its network A& E could have anticipated, breaking rating records and turning the bearded Robertsons into widely- recognized media figures almost overnight. The family’s success and image depends on the public perception of them as salt- of- the- earth, God- fearing rednecks. Watch White Lightnin` Youtube. Though family patriarch Phil Robertson actually has a master’s degree in education, he seemed to fit his stereotype at least politically when, in 2. A& E for a controversial GQ interview in which he compared homosexuality to bestiality and observed that he’d never heard any black people complaining about mistreatment.

The suspension was lifted, however, when the network noticed that most fans and corporate sponsors stood by the family and their series despite the public outrage. Though the series remained mostly escapist entertainment glamorizing the purportedly down- home lifestyle of the Robertsons, ratings never quite recovered, perhaps because the family – and in particular Phil – had become irreparably politicized. Though his politics may be well- known now, there are still plenty more dark secrets and troubling quotes from the Robertsons that both Duck Dynasty’s former network and stars don’t want you to know. It’s Not Real, Only “Guided Reality”The Robertsons may be a real family, but most of their onscreen antics have always been at least somewhat fabricated. The New York Times reports that even during Duck Dynasty’s first and second seasons, family members openly acknowledged the falsified nature of their popular series, calling it instead “guided reality.”This means that instead of simply following and filming the Robertsons as they lived their daily lives, producers would invent a situation and outline its parameters with the family before having them act it out to completion.

Lyrics to 'Prologue Into The Woods' by Into the Woods: Into the woods, It's time to go, I hate to leave, I have to go. Into the woods- It's time, and so I must.

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Don`T Go In The Woods Full Movie
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Don`T Go In The Woods Full Movie

Far from being slow- witted hicks, in this way, the Robertsons proved themselves as skilled improvisers and entertainers, which, along with their indifference to the term “reality,” helped turn them into the perfect media icons for our post- truth era. Phil Was an Alcoholic. Phil Robertson wasn’t always the devoted patriarch and business owner depicted on Duck Dynasty. As the show gained in popularity, Phil and other family members have gradually opened up about his past struggles with alcoholism and adultery, stressing the redemptive nature of his particular rags- to- riches story. When he was in his 2. Phil worked for several years as a teacher before managing a bar while his fledgling family was still living out of a trailer.

His wife Miss Kay says she told the children, “That’s not your daddy. That’s the devil in your daddy.” Phil’s rock bottom came when he booted his wife and children out of the home for questioning his drinking, ironically accusing Kay of cheating on him. She confesses she thought of ending her own life during this dark period, before Phil pledged to quit drinking and recommitted to his family and faith. And He Was Violent. During this same period, Phil often participated in bar brawls, one of which almost resulted in serious legal trouble. On the night in question, he was drunkenly arguing with the couple who owned the bar he managed when the conversation came to blows. Phil’s son Willie wrote that he threw the woman across the bar and beat the couple up “pretty badly.”Phil narrowly escaped the police after the brawl, and spent the next four months (approximately) hiding in the woods.

Somehow, Kay convinced the hospitalized landlords not to file criminal charges against her husband, though they still took out a restraining order against him. Even sober, Phil could still be a touch violent, though in a totally different context. His youngest son Jeb wrote that he frequently punished his children with “three licks on the butt from his belt,” quoting scripture to back up his disciplinary technique. Jep Was Sexually Abused as a Child. Duck Dynasty stars Jep and Jessica Robertson revealed a host of unsavory details from their lives in their 2. The Good, The Bad, and the Grace of God: What Honesty and Pain Taught Us About Faith, Family and Forgiveness. Katekyo Hitman Reborn Episode 1 English Dubbed.

Perhaps the most surprising revelation is that Jep was sexually- abused by an older female classmate from the age of six.“She’d take my hands and push them up under her shirt and tell me I was tickling her. Then she started making me pull down my pants. It was awkward,” he writes. I became more and more confused and scared.” The girl became more violent and aggressive as time went on, so Jep started pretending to be sick to stay home from school. He still has trouble speaking openly about his experiences with family members other than his wife. Jep Has Had His Own Addiction Problems.

Much like his father, Jep struggled with alcoholism, as well as a few more serious drug addictions, through his teens and 2. He would reportedly take anything anyone offered him, including “a whipped cream can…or LSD in some weed” or something called a “wet daddy” – a joint soaked in formaldehyde.

Jep’s own low- point came the morning after a college party, when he woke “sprawled on the side of a gravel road,” covered in bloody scratches and with no memory of where he was or how he got there. Soon after, his family staged an intervention, but it wasn’t the last addiction he’d confront—also in their book, Jep and Jessica attest that their marriage had to withstand the test of his pornography addiction too.

Phil Is Not A Fan of Atheists. Everyone already knows that Phil Robertson doesn’t espouse the most progressive views when it comes to folks of other races and homosexuals, and the same goes for his attitudes towards atheists. In 2. Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) – from whom he received the Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment Award – in which he told his own parable about an atheist family man with “a little atheist wife and two little atheist daughters,” who are then bound, raped, shot, and decapitated by criminals while he is forced to watch. And [the criminals] can look at him and say, ‘Isn’t it great that I don’t have to worry about being judged?’”Phil also spoke out against A& E’s faith- based censorship of Duck Dynasty, alleging that the producers had bleeped mentions of Jesus’ name from their broadcasts and characterizing it as a form of “spiritual warfare.”9.

Phil Thinks STDs are Punishment for Promiscuity. Phil doesn’t seem to have sympathy for the sexually promiscuous, either. Also during his 2. CPAC speech, Phil suggested that STDs were God’s way of punishing horny non- believers, calling their continued prevalence “the revenge of the hippies” and ascribing monogamy as the simple solution. He made the theory even more explicit in an interview that same year, saying: A clean guy — a disease- free guy and a disease- free woman — they marry and they keep their sex between the two of them. They’re not going to get chlamydia, and gonorrhea, and syphilis, and AIDS. It’s safe… Either it’s the wildest coincidence ever that horrible diseases follow immoral conduct, or, it’s God saying, ‘There’s a penalty for that kind of conduct.’ I’m leaning towards there’s a penalty for it.

Willie’s Lust For Fame Caused Tension. After Duck Dynasty became such a surprise success, rumors circulated that different members of the Robertson family disagreed about how best to capitalize on their newfound fame. Phil’s son Willie Robertson assured Parade in 2. In contrast to that idyllic version of events, In Touch reported later the same year that Willie’s rather- bigheaded desire for fame was indeed creating a rift among the family members. Their anonymous source alleges that he had previously courted reality TV stardom by trying out for Survivor and The Amazing Race.

Here's What Tiger Woods Did To His $2. Mercedes. Tiger Woods was arrested Monday morning in Jupiter, Florida on suspicion of driving under the influence. His 2. 01. 5 Mercedes S6. AMG was apparently already stopped when cops found him, but it definitely took some damage before Woods was taken into custody. The S6. 5, an enormous luxury sedan powered by a 6. V1. 2, would have rung up at about $2. Woods bought it brand new two years ago.

Doesn’t seem like he cared much about it, though. The wheels look deeply stained with brake dust and, uh, they’re wrapped in at least two flat tires.

From these pictures of the vehicle at the stop, recently released by the Jupiter Police Department, it looks like Woods hit something hard enough to tear his front and rear tires and bend the alloy wheels before he decided to call it quits on his drive, pull over and take a nap in a bike lane. I guess it’s a good thing Woods stopped when he did because, er, I was going to do a golf pun but this whole story just makes me sad. I hope Woods gets the help he clearly needs.

And I’ll tell you who else needs help- whoever takes the car photos over at Jupiter PD. Come on, couldn’t have waited another half- second for the camera to auto- focus? These pictures are actually unbelievably bad. Resolution’s not much better on the dashcam footage of Woods’ arrest, but here you go anyway.