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Wikipedia. 19. 63 (MCMLXIII) was a common yearstarting on Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1. Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 9. : Celebrity Fakes nudes with 208 674 Pictures 3 045 Videos 8 229 Celebrities 81 780 MembersTags > Created, page /0. Web oficial de la Universidade da Coruña. Enlaces a centros, departamentos, servicios, planes de estudios. Feel free to ask for your 6 hours test account for mag250/254, smarttv, vlc, enigma2 and other avialable devices You may contact us instantly in chatbox. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Created. Publisher Game of Thrones_(1441) Disney Channel_(5457) WWE Divas_(1433). ex cineblog01 è Gratis! Nessuna registrazione è richiesta. Commentate i film loggandovi con Facebook, Twitter, Google o Disqus.
1963 was a common year starting on Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1963rd year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 963rd year of the.
January[edit]January 2 – Vietnam War: The Viet Cong win their first major victory in the Battle of Ap Bac. January 8 – Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is exhibited in the United States for the first time, at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D. C. January 1. 4George Wallace becomes governor of Alabama. In his inaugural speech, he defiantly proclaims "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever!"[1][2]The steam locomotive Flying Scotsman (British Railways No. Alan Pegler for preservation.

January 1. 8 – Due to severe winter conditions the twelfth elfstedentocht skating tour in the Netherlands turns into an almost total disaster. Of the 9,2. 94 participants only 6. January 2. 2 – France and West Germany sign the Élysée Treaty. January 2. 6 – The Australia Day shootings rock Perth; 2 people are shot dead and 3 others injured by Eric Edgar Cooke. January 2. 8 – Black student Harvey Gantt enters Clemson University in South Carolina, the last U. S. state to hold out against racial integration. January 2. 9 – French President Charles de Gaulle vetoes the United Kingdom's entry into the European Common Market.
February[edit]February 5 – The European Court of Justice's ruling in Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen establishes the principle of direct effect, one of the basic tenets of European Union law. February 8 – Travel, financial and commercial transactions by United States citizens to Cuba are made illegal by the John F. Kennedy Administration. February 1. 0 – Five Japanese cities located on the northernmost part of Kyūshū are merged and become the city of Kitakyūshū, with a population of more than 1 million. February 1. 1February 1.
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Northwest Airlines Flight 7. Florida Everglades, killing all 4. February 1. 4 – Harold Wilson becomes leader of the opposition Labour Party in the United Kingdom; [3] in October 1.
February 1. 9 – The publication of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique launches the reawakening of the Women's Movement in the United States as women's organizations and consciousness raising groups spread. February 2. 1 – An earthquake destroys the village of Marj, Libya, killing 9. February 2. 7February 2. Dorothy Schiff resigns from the New York Newspaper Publishers' Association, feeling that the city needs at least one paper as New York's 8. Her paper, the New York Post, resumes publication on March 4. March 4 – In Paris, six people are sentenced to death for conspiring to assassinate President Charles de Gaulle. De Gaulle pardons five, but the other conspirator, Jean Bastien- Thiry, is executed by firing squad several days later.
March 5 – In Camden, Tennessee, country music superstar Patsy Cline (Virginia Patterson Hensley) is killed in a plane crash along with fellow performers Hawkshaw Hawkins, Cowboy Copas and Cline's manager and pilot Randy Hughes, while returning from a benefit performance in Kansas City, Kansas, for country radio disc jockey "Cactus" Jack Call. March 1. 7 – Mount Agung erupts on Bali, killing approximately 1,5. March 1. 8 – Gideon v. Watch The Ultimate Fighter Season 9 Episode 5.
Wainwright: The Supreme Court of the United States rules that state courts are required to provide counsel in criminal cases for defendants who cannot afford to pay their own attorneys. March 2. 1 – The Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay closes; the last 2. Watch Getting High! Online Mic. United States Attorney General. Robert F. Kennedy. March 2. 2 – The Beatles release their first album, Please Please Me, in the United Kingdom.

March 2. 3 – Dansevise by Grethe & Jørgen Ingmann (music by Otto Francker, text by Sejr Volmer- Sørensen) wins the Eurovision Song Contest 1. Denmark. April 1 – The long- running soap opera. General Hospital debuts on ABC Television in the United States. April 3 – Southern Christian Leadership Conference volunteers kick off the Birmingham campaign (Birmingham, Alabama) against racial segregation in the United States with a sit- in. April 7 – Yugoslavia is proclaimed to be a socialist republic, and Josip Broz Tito is named President for Life. April 8 – The 3. 5th Academy Awards ceremony is held.
Lawrence of Arabia wins Best Picture. April 9 – British statesman Sir Winston Churchill becomes an honorary citizen of the United States. April 1. 0 – The U. S. nuclear submarine Thresher sinks 2. Cape Cod; all 1. 29 aboard (1. April 1. 2Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Abernathy, Fred Shuttlesworth and others are arrested in a Birmingham, Alabama protest for "parading without a permit".
The Soviet nuclear powered submarine K- 3. Finnish merchant vessel M/S Finnclipper in the Danish Straits. Although severely damaged, both vessels make it to port.
April 1. 4 – The Institute of Mental Health (Belgrade) is established. April 1. 5 – 7. 0,0.
London from Aldermaston, to demonstrate against nuclear weapons. April 1. 6 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Letter from Birmingham Jail". April 2. 0 – In Quebec, Canada, members of the terrorist group Front de libération du Québec bomb a Canadian Army recruitment center, killing night watchman Wilfred V.
O'Neill. April 2. April 2. 3 – The first election of the Supreme Institution of the Bahá'í Faith (known as the Universal House of Justice, whose seat is at the Bahá'í World Centre on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel) is held. April 2. 2 – Lester Bowles Pearson becomes the 1.
Prime Minister of Canada. April 2. 8 – A general election is held in Italy. Watch Soft Top Hard Shoulder Torent Free more. April 2. 9 – Buddy Rogers becomes the first WWWF Champion.
May 1 – The Coca- Cola Company introduces its first diet drink, Tab cola. May 2. Thousands of blacks, many of them children, are arrested while protesting segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. Public Safety Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor later unleashes fire hoses and police dogs on the demonstrators.
Berthold Seliger launches near Cuxhaven a 3- stage rocket with a maximum flight altitude of more than 6. Germany). May 4 – The Le Monde Theater fire in Dioirbel, Senegal kills 6.
May 8. May 1. 3 – A smallpox outbreak hits Stockholm, Sweden, lasting until July. May 1. 4 – Kuwait becomes the 1. United Nations. May 1. Project Mercury: NASA launches Gordon Cooper on Mercury- Atlas 9, the last mission (on June 1. NASA Administrator James E. Webb tells Congress the program is complete).
May 2. 2 – A. C. Milan beats Benfica 2- 1 at Wembley Stadium, London and wins the 1. European Cup (football).
May 2. 3 – Fidel Castro visits the Soviet Union.