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Commitments Our Ocean 2. Participants in the third Our Ocean conference, held September 1. Washington, D. C., announced over 1. To date the three Our Ocean conferences have generated commitments valued at over 9. United States. The commitments focus on the key ocean issues of our time marine protected areas, sustainable fisheries, marine pollution, and climate related impacts on the ocean. ExperienceWeek is dedicated to helping you improve the customer, employee, product, brand experience. Tune in for teachings tutorials from todays leading. Watch 1,150 movies free online. Watch Ratatouille Online Free 2016. Includes classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of our greatest actors, actresses and directors. Watch HD Movie Online For Free and Download the latest movies without Registration at Ganool Movies. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. 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The United States announced the expansion of the Papahnaumokukea Marine National Monument off the coast of Hawaii to cover an additional 1,1. The United States also announced the establishment of the 1. Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, the first U. S. marine monument in the Atlantic Ocean, protecting three underwater canyons deeper than the Grand Canyon and four underwater mountains known as seamounts that are biodiversity hotspots and home to many rare and endangered species. Seychelles announced that it will establish up to 4. EEZ by 2. 02. 0 as part of a comprehensive marine spatial plan for its entire EEZ via a debt swap of up to 2. Paris Club creditors and the Government of South Africa, with the support of the Nature Conservancy and private capital investors interested in marine conservation. The United Kingdom announced the designation of a sustainable use marine protected area throughout whole of St. Helenas. 44. 5,0. Pitcairn Islands, which permanently closes more than 9. Islands 1. 0,0. Our Ocean 2. The United Kingdom also announced a roadmap to determine the exact location of an evidence based fully protected marine protected area around Ascension Island covering at least 2. Exclusive Economic Zone in Tristan da Cunha by 2. In total, this amounts to 1,4. MPA commitments. The United Kingdom furthermore pledged more than 2. EUR 2. 0 million over the next four years to support the implementation, management, surveillance, and enforcement of these new marine protected areas. The Federated States of Micronesia announced its commitment to expand out to 2. Canada reaffirmed its commitment to meet marine conservation targets, including the commitment to protect 5 percent of Canadas marine and coastal areas by 2. Contributing towards this goal and building on previous actions, Canada announced plans to protect sensitive benthic ecosystems in the Gulf of Maine through fisheries closures in Jordan Basin and in Corsair and Georges Canyons, amounting to a total area of over 9,0. Canadas Atlantic Coast. These new protection measures in the Atlantic join the soon to be established Anguniaqvia Niqiqyuam Marine Protected Area in Canadas western Arctic and the Hecate StraitQueen Charlotte Sound Marine Protected Area, on Canadas Pacific coast. The protection of these marine areas on Canadas three coasts, combined with Canadas plans for a National Marine Conservation Area in Lancaster Sound in Canadas Arctic, will total over 5. Canada and the worlds oceans. Ecuador announced the creation of a no take marine sanctuary in the Galpagos Islands Marine Reserve, which prohibits fishing in an additional 4. Galpagos islands of Darwin and Wolf. The marine sanctuary will protect the area with the largest concentration of sharks on the planet. Cambodia announced the establishment of its first marine protected area, which covers 4. Koh Rong Archipelago. Watch Patagonia Online Free 2016' title='Watch Patagonia Online Free 2016' />Palau announced the final establishment of the National Marine Sanctuary it proposed in 2. The Sanctuary, which encompasses Palaus entire EEZ, prohibits all extractive activities, including foreign fishing and mining in 8. Palauans. The Wildlife Conservation Society WCS, in partnership with the Waitt Foundation and Blue Moon Fund, announced a commitment of a minimum of 1. WCS Marine Protected Area MPA Fund in an effort to meet or exceed the Aichi and the UN Sustainable Development Goal SDG targets of protecting 1. The Global Environment Facility GEF announced a commitment of 3. MPAs across the worlds oceans by 2. Colombia announced that it will quadruple the size of the Malpelo Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, which hosts one of the worlds largest aggregations of sharks, so that it will cover an additional 2. Malaysia announced the establishment of the 1. Tun Mustapha Park marine protected area and a project to build Park enforcement capacity with 2. United States and 5. Wild. Aid. Costa Rica announced that it will expand the protected waters of the Cocos Island National Park by almost 1. Malta announced the designation of nine new marine protected areas comprising roughly 3,4. The Pew Charitable Trusts announced a partnership with the Bertarelli Foundation to provide 3. The Nature Conservancy announced a commitment of over 1. Sri Lanka announced the 2. Veduthalathiv Nature Reserve marine protected area, as well as nearly 8. Mirissa and Kayankanni MPAs, part of the Gulf of Mannar, and the Jaffna Lagoon Sanctuary. Sri Lanka will set aside an additional 8. Associated Marine Protected Areas in lands bound by marine ecosystems the Nai Aru lagoon and Nandikadal sanctuaries. Republic of Korea announced the designation of the 9. Garorim Bay, one of the only two habitats for endangered spotted seals in the Republic of Korea and an important spawning ground for many species of fish, as its 2. MPAs to 3. 2 by 2. Thailand announced a 1. Trat Bay, with expansion potential for the entire Trat Bay of 8. Phuket in 2. 01. 7 and establishing a 4. Watch Fist 2 Fist 2: Weapon Of Choice Megavideo. Trang province by 2. Morocco announced the creation of three marine protected areas, in Moghador, Massa, and Albora, covering 7. Moroccan Atlantic and Mediterranean shores, as well as plans for a fourth in Mdiq along the Mediterranean by 2. Norway announced three new marine protected areas, totaling 1. Rogaland and Sr Trndelag, and ten additional marine protected areas to protect cold water corals. Lebanon announced its intent to establish a 3. Naqoura and Ras ech Chaqaa. Kuwait announced marine protected areas around Garouh, Kubar Island, and Um Al Maradim Islands covering 0. Monaco announced that it has provided approximately 5. EUR 5. 00,0. 00 to start a newly created trust fund set up with France and Tunisia that will provide long term financial support to marine protected areas MPAs designated by Mediterranean countries this fund will enhance existing MPAs, encourage the creation of additional MPAs, foster capacity building, and complement existing initiatives. The Tiffany Co. Foundation announced a three year 3. Nature Conservancy, Bahamas National Trust and the Bahamas Reef Environmental Education Foundation to conserve 2. Bahamas marine and coastal environment by 2. Oceans 5. The Marine Conservation Institute MCI announced more than 4. GLORES Global Ocean Refuge System Marine Protected Area certification system to evaluate and rate 1. MPAs by 2. 01. 7. The United States announced 1. Latin America and the Caribbean, East Africa, and the Pacific Islands. Panama announced 6. Coiba National Park and Bastimentos National Park, in order to reduce human impacts to local dolphin and migrating whale populations. Australia announced that it will provide an additional 4.