Watch Preachers Of L A Episode 3


Lifetime TVs Preachers Daughters Pastors Girls Gone Wild. Some Pastors are now willing to exploit their own daughters for fame and money. On the heels of the blasphemous Christian reality TV show, The Sisterhood, that focused on a group of bickering, materialistic pastors wives, Lifetime Television network is now taking a behind the scenes look at the lives of the teenage daughters of Christian pastors in the new series Preachers Daughters. Rather than promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the true message of Christianity, this show appears poised to do exactly what The Sisterhood accomplished focus on sexual sin, rebellion and disrespect the name of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Watch Preachers Of L A Episode 3' title='Watch Preachers Of L A Episode 3' />Here is the trailer for the show 1 Timothy Chapter 3 lists the requirements for a Pastor referred to as a Bishop in Scripture This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre but patient, not a brawler, not covetous One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God 1 Timothy 3 1 5. From its own trailer, the show is promoting the rebellion of the young daughters on the show. Just like the numerous, heretical sex sermons being preached in churches across the country, this reality show is using sinful rebellion as its main draw and attraction. Why would a Pastor want to be a part of a production like this Especially in light of the standards set forth by the Word of God As verse 5 above states a pastor should ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity. A Pastors child is supposed to be obedient to their father and take his role in the church seriously or that man should not be a pastor. Yet instead of trying to follow Gods Word, these pastors are allowing this show to use the girls desires for fornication and disobedience as a way to market the program and excite viewers. Even the dress of the girls in the promotional materials is provocative and inappropriate. Scripture says of a Christian womans dress In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array But which becometh women professing godliness with good works. Again, what spirit is guiding a Christian program that would promote itself in this fashion This is not the way to share Christianity with the public. Would these fathers make their daughters stand outside their churches wearing these skimpy outfits, to invite strangers to come in to Sunday serviceWell that is what they are doing with this television show. Using lusts of the flesh to entice viewers to tune in. The Pastors Exploiting the Sin of The Children. Pastor Coleman is not obeying the Bible that is in his hand. Three pastors are featured on the show Ken Coleman, City of Refuge Pentecostal Church. Im about to write a post on current viewings and want to know what youve been watching recently. Most Recent Family Guy Episode. I for one started to watch Ray Donovan on. WELCOME You are logged in with an Unknown Provider and can now watch all available content. Here is the shows description of the Coleman family Eighteen year old Taylor is set on pushing boundaries established by her strict father, Ken, a pastor of City of Refuge Pentecostal Church, who, following the mistakes he made with his older children, wants nothing more than to keep Taylor as his little angel. Taylor craves freedom from all of the rules in the house and occasionally rebels by sneaking out, kissing boys and giving into temptation, all the while trying to maintain her relationship with her Lord. While her mother Marie tries to keep the peace between Taylor and Ken, she fears his stern rules will push Taylor to act out even more, especially when she gets to college. Conflicted and frustrated with her fathers demands, Taylor confides in her half sister Kendra, who Ken kicked out of the house when she was pregnant at 2. It sounds more like a family ready to embarrass Christianity. In a preview clip for the show, Taylor is at the beach with her girlfriends. Wearing a skimpy bikini, she discusses becoming a stripper or prostitute as a career option If money dont be right for college, Im gonna be a stripper, 1. Taylor, daughter of Pentecostal Church preacher Ken Coleman, laughs. They always say that the preachers kids are the worst ones anyway, and I see why. Taylor then proceeds to be hugged by her ex boyfriend who gropes her inappropriately on camera. She then walks off with him for a private discussion while her friends warn stay out of trouble. Youre a preachers kid In her private conversation, she then is on camera kissing and petting with the young man. When Pastor Coleman, who is supposed to be the stern disciplinarian of the show, confronts Taylor about her behavior, she responds with looks of disgust and disrespectful talk. In another scene, after practicing stripper dancing, Taylor makes a video recording of herself on her computer giving a message in which she says she has an alter ego that wants to be a porn star. Photos of her in provocative outfits and making lascivious gestures one so inappropriate the show had to blur it out are followed by her saying that contrary to what people thinks she is not a little girls who stays in her Bible. The alter ego phenomenon among young women has been popularized by pop stars Nikki Minaj and Beyonce, two of the biggest promoters of promiscuity, sexual freedom and sinful rebellion in entertainment today we discussed the demonic nature of their performances and personnas in an article which can be found here. Maybe its time Pastor Coleman spent some private time focusing on his daughter. Given Pastors Colemens daughters behavior and clear statements, what is redeeming in any of thisTo watch full episodes, you must have a cable provider that supports AMCs full episode service and you must have AMC as part of your cable package. Jerrys special guest is George Costanza in this episode of Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee. 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This is almost verbatim the same rationale used by the women of The Sisterhoodto engage in all manner of sinful, rebellious behavior on their reality show. If these Pastors were truly doing their jobs, why wouldnt their concern be sharing the GospelPastor Coleman does not even pretend to have an interest in reaching lost souls to point them to forgiveness of sin and eternal life in Jesus. But Christians are called to be separate Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God But the difference will be the desire to repent of their sins and the accompanying shame for knowingly violating Gods commandments. If Taylor is truly saved, this is a time for her father to give her extensive Biblical counseling, attention and love. It is not the time to give her a platform to show off the worst sides of herself to millions of people. Rather than trying to take a stand for Godly principles, Pastor Coleman is more concerned with showing just how sinful Pastors children can be. The Koloff Family. Somehow Pastor Koloff thinks this is giving glory to God. Alpha Youth Film Series Episode 8. Kolby is a fun loving, curious 1. Her father, Nikita, a former professional wrestler turned traveling evangelist who often gives sermons to thousands of parishioners at a time, has his own struggles with Kolbys adolescence. Music Music News, New Songs, Videos, Music Shows and Playlists from MTV.