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Learning to Overcome the Evil Aimed at You, Part 1. Transcript. In a fallen world, the rocks of evil and injustice and betrayal will happen to all of us, sooner or later. Two main characters in the New Testament are Peter and Paul. And Peter’s ministry is primarily to the Jews. And Paul’s is primarily to the Gentiles. And Peter would write, “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you.”.

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In other words, when things are very painful, difficult, evil, unjust in a fallen world, like, don’t be surprised. The apostle Paul would take it one step farther in II Timothy 3: 1.

He says, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,” and then notice this, “while evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.”. And the question I have for you as we get started this morning, is who has wounded or betrayed or abused or abandoned or forsaken you or forgotten you or hurt you more than anyone else in the world?

If you had to just, you know, I’m not going to ask you to share this, I’m not going to ask you to write it down. But I am going to ask you to reach back into some stuff that most of you have pushed down very, very deeply and it could have been a parent, it could have been a sibling, it could have been a mate, it could have been one of your kids, it could have been a business partner, it could have been someone involved in a church. But whose picture, whose face comes to your mind when you think of being lied to, betrayed, hurt, wounded?

Or did something to someone you love. They did it to one of your kids or they did it to your mom or they did it to your dad.

And in your most honest moments, you have a rock. And you have a rock of wound.

Watch The Forsaken Land Online Mic

How do we, as R1. Christians, respond and then overcome the evil that is aimed at us? Because everyone has it. You’re not alone.

But what we tend to do is push it down, go into denial, and then a lot of the issues we have in our lives is because we are walking around with rocks inside our heart and they weigh us down. And they block our relationship with God, they produce all kinds of things inside of us emotionally.

I want to look at a man’s life who, I think, endured more injustice, betrayal, evil than anyone that I can find in all of Scripture. And he had a secret and he responded in such a way that he overcame the evil aimed at him. Joseph’s journey reveals how to overcome the evil that is aimed at you and aimed at me. And if you’ll open your Bibles to Genesis chapter 3.

He doesn’t start out very amazing, however. And if you’re familiar with the Bible, you know that a big portion of all of the book of Genesis, chapters 3. And so that’s thirteen chapters. So they probably didn’t tell you, but church will be two and a half hours. I’ll start reading now, and I’d like you to follow along closely. Not. But what I do want to do is I want to give you a feel for the passage and give you the situation. The overview, let me tell you the beginning and the ending of his entire story.

It’s going to start in a pit and he is going to end in a palace. He is going to start, we’re going to learn a little bit about his life, he has a dysfunctional family, his father shows great favoritism that sets him up for failure. And Joseph has a lot of good responses, but early on, it’s going to open up, he’s seventeen years old, he’s the center of attention.

He has this special coat that marks him off. His dad shows favoritism. He tattles on his brothers, he is a narcissist, he thinks he’s the center of the universe, God gives him a dream and instead of stewarding it like, “Wow, that’s sort of a holy dream,” he blurts it out and comes to his brothers and says, “You guys are going to bow down to me someday.”. And so he has some issues to deal with. But in chapter 3.

So Jacob settled in the land of Canaan where his father had lived. And this is the history of Jacob’s family. When Joseph was seventeen years old, he often tended his father’s flocks with his half- brothers, the sons of his father’s wives, Bilhah and Zilphah. But Joseph reported to his father some of the bad things his brothers were doing,” which made him very popular, of course. Now Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other children,” by the way, that’s a recipe for disaster, “because Joseph had been born to him at an old age; so one day he gave Joseph a special gift – a beautiful robe. But his brothers hated Joseph because of their father’s partiality.

The couldn’t say a kind word about him. One night, Joseph had a dream, he promptly reported the details to his brothers, causing them to hate him even more. Listen to this dream,’ he said. We were all out in the field, tying bundles of grain and my bundles stood up and your bundles all gathered around and bowed down before me!’” You know? This is like, boy, don’t you love your little brother? And so they say, “‘So you’re going to be our king, are you?’ his brothers taunted. And they hated him all the more for his dream when he had said it.

Then Joseph had another dream,” and this other dream tells the same story. Last Episode Of The Glades. And so let me give you, sort of, a running development of this pit to the palace story.

You’ll notice in your notes, he was born in a dysfunctional family. So write down dysfunctional, because what I am going to do is I am going to go through this quickly but I’m going to give you the trailer of a movie. If you want to get the movie you need to go home and read chapters 3. Watch Red Knot Online.

But what I want you to get is the key words that I have you underline is the kind of stuff that you go through. Some of us grew up in dysfunctional families, right? Well, you’re going to see that, I guess, that can happen and God can still do something good. So the dysfunctional family is his dad, his partiality, and it produces some not good things in Joseph, and a bad family dynamic.

So then his brothers, they reject him. He is rejected by his siblings. And the story will unfold, you know, his dad says, “Hey, I want you to go over there and check on your brothers because they are doing some sheep,” and so Joseph is checking on his brothers and he can’t find them and he asks this guy, “Hey, have you seen my brothers?” He says, “Yeah, the guys are over there.” This is a very loose translation of the exact Hebrew, of course. And so on the way, he’s there, his brothers are thinking, “We hate this guy’s guts; let’s kill him.” And there is a little argument about the best way to get rid of him.

Steel. Series Siberia 2. Watch Don`T Fade Away HDQ more. Headset Review. Today I had the pleasure of testing out the Steel. Series Siberia 2. Gaming Headset. After opening the box and getting out the goods, the first PRO right off the bat was the Headset itself. I felt like I was holding a cloud, it’s incredibly light and also aesthetically pleasing ie.

It has good looks.. In terms of addons and accessories, the headset did come with a Mic Splitter which is good for travel and allows for 2 people to watch a movie on 1 device with 2 pairs of headphones. The real test began with the actual headphone speakers.

After putting them on, for me at least with my big ears, many headsets don’t always fit me, or if they do, after 3. I was surprised how comfortable the cans were, and they did fit around my ear nicely while also being comfortable. The first thing I did after plugging the Siberia 2. Youtube and watch a movie trailer. To my surprise, the audio and headphone speakers were very nice sound wise, a good combination of low bass, mids and treble which is one of the most important aspects of a headphone, you want not only a good balance with tones but also a crisp output which it offers. For $7. 9. 9. 9 the headphones already sold me, but the important part, especially for gamers and e.

Sports is the mic. To be honest, the mic is nothing special, it’s not bad, but it’s not super amazing. My biggest con on this headset is the fact it’s not USB, so plugging in a Green Stereo Mini and a Pink Stereo Mini in the back of my computer is fine, but it also means going into settings and manually adjusting the Mic levels, and speaker levels. Again, a pretty minor con, but for some noobs out there, it might take a minute to figure out how to adjust their mic output and speakers before they are happy. All in all, for $7. Also a USB connection would be easier for the average user rather than 2 stereo minis as connectors but for the price tag, this headset is great for gaming, movies and definitely travel.